Quality Score is an often-used phrase when it comes to PPC. It sounds important, but is it really? In short, yes – Quality Score is extremely important for your PPC […]
Market to known individuals instead of unknown personas. For years, this has been what brands hoped for—but couldn’t achieve—from their digital marketing. Now we’re finally at the point where aspiration […]
Online marketing is necessary. Word of mouth isn’t dead, but it’s morphed into “word of mouse and keyboard.” There are common trends between bad online marketing habits and lack of ROI. Below […]
Are you looking for a hyperlocal way to target new and potential customers for your business? Geofencing is an effective way to reach smartphone users when they’re near your business […]
If you are familiar with any form of digital advertising, you are most likely aware that some of the terms and acronyms can be a bit overwhelming, and display advertising […]
One of the fundamental premises of marketing automation is email engagement. And as modern marketers, we are under serious pressure for our emails to perform — they must drive engagement, conversions, and […]
Social media engagement is essential to meeting your online presence goals. Developing an interactive online community spreads brand awareness, strengthens customer loyalty, and increases your consumer following. Once you are […]
It’s no secret that in-store traffic is valuable for most businesses. In fact, while the average website conversion rate is 2.35% across industries, for in-store traffic the average conversion rate […]
When you think of display advertising, you probably only really think about the banner ads you see when you visit a website. But in reality, display advertising comes in many […]
Search engine optimization continues to be crucial in helping customers find you online. The main purpose of an SEO strategy is to improve your online visibility and make it a proven […]
In recent years media planning has fallen victim to absolutism in the form of micro-targeting via digital media. The data can locate precise prospects in the moment they’re ready to […]
Location data, geo-targeting, geofilters. Location-based technology is opening up a world of possibilities — but it’s also complicated, as new capabilities and use cases seem to emerge every day. With […]